Dual Enrollment
LDHS has partnered with Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC) and other local universities to offer college credits at a reduced fee to our students.
HACC allows our students to take classes on campus (and virtually) in their junior or senior year. The cost is approximately $175 per credit but families should check with colleges for current costs. Students apply for admissions, take placement testing and then register for classes with the help of an advisor. See HACC's website for details and contact information:
Other local colleges charge rates from $100-$200 per credit. Please talk with your counselor before looking at dual enrollment classes in any institution to be sure course work fits your academic goals.
Speak with your counselor if you have additional questions about getting a jump start on college level credits/course work. It is important to line up high school requirements with college courses to be sure students are on the path to graduation if they have an interest in using the course work to do so.
Our practice is to record grades for Dual Enrollment courses as the letter grade provided to us by the college or university. Dual Enrollment grades will NOT be a part of class rank, GPA or weighted GPA. They will be excluded from those calculations but will appear on the high school transcript. Those receiving a Lower Dauphin transcript will be able to see that a course was taken with a college/university along with the grade that the student earned and assigned Lower Dauphin credit value.