Power Library
POWER Library is the online portal to all that Pennsylvania libraries offer. This is the place to find trustworthy answers to questions about healthcare, consumer purchases, personal finances, and much more. Enjoy free 24/7 access to newspapers, magazines, journals, historical documents and photos, online databases, and eBooks.
No usernames or passwords are necessary when on the high school campus to use the online e-resources, however, if you are working from home you must have a public library card issued by a public library in Pennsylvania or you can obtain an eCard from POWER Library that will allow you to access the e-resources.
Power Library can be accessed through myLD.
Select the LDHS Library folder in myLD and then the Power Library logo, similar to the one below.
Available online databases include:
Academic Search Main Edition
Find peer-reviewed, full-text articles from journals in the areas of the physical and social sciences, technology, medicine, engineering, the arts, literature, and more.
AP Newsroom
View the greatest events in world history with photographs, audio sound bites, video, and graphics, for over 185 years. Over 3,000 photos/images/sound bites/graphics added daily, including audio and visual snapshots.
Books, movies and more in a PA library (Access PA Catalog)
Search a single catalog reflecting the holdings of over 1,500 Pennsylvania libraries and their combined collections of over 41 million books, audio materials, reference materials, movies, and much more.
Contemporary Authors
Discover biographical and bibliographical information on more than 160,000 of today's most influential authors.
E-Books (EBSCO)
Select from over 16,000 eBooks from the world's leading publishers across all major subject areas. Perform full-text searches of a single eBook, search thousands of volumes simultaneously, browse topic categories, or read eBooks directly online.
GALE Virtual Reference Library
Explore encyclopedias and specialized reference sources on a variety of topics from history, government, environment, math, and more!
Offers an interdisciplinary resource for environment and sustainability studies. Provides news, background information, video, commentaries, primary source documents and statistics in areas such as energy systems, healthcare, food, climate change, population, and economic development.
InfoTrac Newsstand
Full-text newspapers from more than 2,300 major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers, plus leading titles from around the world. Search articles instantly by title, headline, date, author, newspaper section, or other fields. Includes images, radio, TV broadcasts, and transcripts.