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Library Rules and Policies

Library Rules and Policies
The following services are offered in the library:  electronic books and online databases, research assistance, recommended reading assistance and classroom instruction as per teacher requests.
The library is open from 7:15 AM until 2:45 PM, Monday through Friday and is available to students during study hall, before school and immediately after school.
Books may be borrowed for a period of ten days.  Reference books may be borrowed overnight. 

Students wishing to use the library during their study hall may sign out of their study halls and come directly to the library.  Once arriving at the library, students must sign in at the circulation desk.  Students may only use the library for school related work and research.

Library rules: 
   1. Students using the library will be required to adhere to the student conduct rules as outlined in the agenda book.  
   2. Students who do not follow the library rules will be given one verbal warning by the librarian.  On the second infraction of the rules, the student will be sent back to their study hall.  This may or may not include a suspension from the library.  This suspension is at the discretion of the librarian.