Overview, Newsletter, Upcoming Event Links
The Lower Dauphin Alumni Association was founded more than thirty years ago as part of a plan to collect and preserve historical artifacts, design fundraising projects to support student activities and academics, and as a contact point for alumni. The official organizational meeting of the Lower Dauphin Alumni Association (LDAA) was held on April 15, 1989 where by-laws were approved and officers elected. By June LDAA had 600 members. That fall LDAA participated in the Homecoming activities, began a newsletter, and formed a scholarship committee. Homecoming 1990 saw the first appearance of the Alumni Band, a crowd-pleasing group that makes a now annual appearance at the football game(contact Betty Musser Radle '62 at (717-566-8664). We also entered a float featuring former Homecoming Queens and held a dinner-dance. For the past several years the Alumni Cheerleaders have made an appearance at Homecoming games and are a great favorite with the sports fans please check the information on Facebook under LD ALUMNI Cheerleaders.
LDAA has shouldered many projects, a major one being the establishment of the Falcon Alumni Trust to provide scholarship money for a graduating senior. We also became the repository of items of historical importance, such as yearbooks, programs from musical and sports events, photos, scrapbooks, uniforms, pennants, the LD Bible, class schedule cards, to name a few. We continue to encourage alumni to place in our care items they believe are a significant part of the history of the school.
We sponsored a Sports Complex Committee which brought together former athletes, community leaders and others to support a feasibility study in response to the need for more playing fields. LDAA organized individual sponsorships of folding chairs to be used by the winter sports teams and has provided signage for the gymnasium, proclaiming FALCON PRIDE! We honored the 1960 Championship football team and all LD football captains on their fortieth anniversary of Falcon Football, paid tribute to the Big Blue Band at Homecoming 2002, continue to sponsor the Alumni Band and Alumni Cheerleaders, serve as a trustee for class gifts, support various school activities, and sponsor this directory.
We also undertook a major capital improvement project by installing a large Falcon mosaic and building an imposing Alumni Memorabilia Showcase in the entrance lobby that contains the history and mementos of Lower Dauphin High School. The cost of this project was $15,000. Alumni have contributed $10,000 and we are still seeking donations to assist with materials and displays.
Your Lower Dauphin Alumni Association’s purchased a field banner to be used for football games, band competitions, and other events. This banner is carried by a runner at the sidelines as a sign of spirit and to celebrate a score. We love to see that flag flying!
What we need, however, are more alumni to become involved in LDAA, either by your paid support through donations, your support of the activities of the Alumni Association, or your help in working on one of the projects. We are a totally self-funded, non-profit association, entirely dependent on donations and fund-raisers. In its short history LDAA has provided many services to the alumni and to the high school. With the efforts of many more of you, the future possibilities are endless. Those loyal Falcons who have devoted countless hours in addressing the needs of Lower Dauphin are to be commended, but the major goal is to include many more of you in its activities.
To make a donation, please download the following file which is uploaded in Adobe Reader (.pdf) format.
For information please contact Kathy Weber by email ldalumni@ldsd.org.
PO BOX 255 Hummelstown, PA 17036
This is the Official Lower Dauphin High School Alumni Association Website created by LDHS Alumnus. Please use caution when visiting other sites claiming to be Lower Dauphin Alumni Sites...read the fine print!
Last Modified on December 12, 2018