About Us
Lower Dauphin Alumni Association
1989 – 2024
35 Years of Service to the Students and Alumni of LDHS
Convener – Dr. Judith T. Witmer, then Principal for Academics, LDHS, later Asst. to the Supt., LDSD
First meeting – April 15, 1989
Founding Members: Catherine Reed Eshenour ’66; Marjorie Park Cassel ’65; Russel E. Cassel; Carl W. Espenshade ’62; Nancy L. Hivner ’72; Elizabeth Musser Radle ’62; Joseph M. Snavely ’83; Jean Deimler Seibert ’65; Kirk (Wade) Seibert ’65.
Current Officers: President-Kris Neibert Eisenbise ’81; 1st Vice President- vacant; 2nd Vice President - Carl Espenshade ’62, Secretary - Kathy Imhof Weber ’74; Treasurer- George Kline ’72, Correspondence Secretary - Barbara Olson Bowser ’62.
Current Board Members: Susan Petrina ’65, Elaine Mader Royer ’65, Gloria Shertzer Mader ’61. Number of members – technically anyone who has graduated from LDHS is 15,000; sustaining (supporting membership) members – approx. 600
Ex Officio: Dr. Judith Witmer
LDAA is an independent organization, not funded by the school district.
Purpose: to collect and preserve historical artifacts, design fundraising projects to support student activities and academics, and plan programs by which alumni continue their involvement in their Alma Mater.
Activities and contributions:
- The board meets quarterly.
- Sponsored side line seating for indoor events.
- Sponsored the Golden Jubilee: 50th Anniversary Celebration, 2010
- Maintain a database of alumni addresses
- Publish an Alumni Directory – Latest in 2015
- Active in Homecoming and Alumni Recognition
- Homecoming 1989 – first participation ; 1990 – first Alumni Band and a float featuring past Homecoming Queens; later, Alumni Cheerleaders
- Various groups are honored at Homecoming; the following to date: wrestlers, football teams, field hockey, the first Championship Football Team (1960), the band, and the undefeated Football “Team ’70”, and Distinguished Alumni Awards.
- Purchase and Installation of a Falcon Pride sign board in the gymnasium
- Purchase and Installation of an Award Plaque honoring LDAA scholarship winners
- Scholarship, supported by the Falcon Alumni Trust. We have awarded thirty-one scholarships since the inception of the award in 1990. We manage several other scholarships funded by various alumni groups and individuals.
- Installation of the Alumni Lobby, which includes large walk-in-Showcases used for museum quality exhibits that change throughout the year and includes displays shared by student activities, sports, and clubs.
- Honor Distinguished Alumni: Refer to the Distinguished Alumni/Alumnus page for the updated list.
Email: Kathy Imhof Weber ldalumni@ldsd.org
LD Alumni are invited to sign up to receive periodic email updates at lowerdauphinalumni.org
Mailing Address - LDAA, PO BOX 255, Hummelstown, PA 17036
Donations may be sent to the mailing address as listed above.