AHERA Notice
Dear Parents, Students, Employees, Visitors:
In 1986, Congress passed the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). This
required schools to be inspected to identify asbestos containing building materials (ACBMs)
inside the buildings. All Lower Dauphin School District (LDSD) buildings were inspected, and
suspect materials were sampled and rated according to condition and potential hazard. Every
three years, LDSD schools are required to be re-inspected to determine if the condition of the
known or suspected ACBMs has changed and to make recommendations on managing or
removing the ACBMs.
The law further requires an asbestos management plan be developed to monitor any known or
suspected ACBM. The plan has several ongoing requirements: this notification letter
announcing the availability of the management plans for anyone to review upon request, training
of the support staff about asbestos and how to deal with it, notifying short term workers such as
sub-contractors of the locations of any known or suspected ACBM and posting of warning signs
adjacent to locations of known or suspected ACBM. The designated asbestos coordinator
conducts a visual inspection every six months of areas of the buildings where known or
suspected ACBMs are located to assure they remain in good condition.
It is the intention of LDSD to comply with all federal and state regulations controlling asbestos,
and to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure students and employees a healthy and safe
environment in which to learn and work.
You are welcome to review a copy of the asbestos management plan upon request; I can be
reached at the phone number listed below.
Designated Asbestos
Program Coordinator
(717) 566-5305