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*Select Choirs audition info!

Welcome to the page for 2023-24 LDHS Select Choir auditions 

We're happy you're choosing to audition for LD Select Choirs! 

This page has all the information you need to prepare your audition!

Note: Chorus does NOT require an audition - anyone may sing in Chorus, and it is still a fantastic choir.
All choirs meet during the school day, for the full year (1 credit). There is a half-year (0.5) option for Chorus only.
Many students enroll in multiple choirs. This is welcomed and encouraged! (Such students are esteemed as "interns"/leaders.) 
Audition Schedule for Women's Select Choir &/or Chamber Singers  (No audition is needed for Chorus)

Current 8th Grade Chorus members / any new singers:.......Upload in Canvas by April 21

Current HS Chorus members:................................Upload in Canvas by April 14

Current HS Women's Select Choir members: ......Upload in Canvas by April 7

Current HS Chamber Singers members: ..............Upload in Canvas by April 1 (end of Spring break)

Contact Dr. C or your MS Choir teacher for access to the Canvas!

*Rosters will be posted Online mid-May after our Spring concert*

and will be shared with the Guidance department at that time.

(For now, students should simply register for the choirs they hope to take!)

Any students who do not make their goal choir will be placed in the next-highest level of choir automatically :-) No need to worry!



  1. Upper range:
    • You will sing "I lo-ove to sing" on the arpeggio "Sol - Do - Sol - Mi - Do". (The note in bold is the highest.)
    • After singing the pattern, modulate up by a half-step and sing it again. You should continue singing this pattern until you've gone as high as you can sing.
    • Click on your voice part below to access the guide tracks on our YouTube channel!
    • Starting keys:
      • Soprano: G Major (start on D-G-D-B-G), with the top note being G5
      • Alto: D Major (start on A-D-A-#F-D), with the top note being D5
      • Tenor: F Major (start on C-F-C-A-F), with the top note being F4
        • Tenors/Basses - when your voice flips into falsetto, *keep going* until even your falsetto tops out! :-)
      • Bass: D Major (start on A-D-A-#F-D), with the top note being D4
        • Tenors/Basses - when your voice flips into falsetto, *keep going* until even your falsetto tops out! :-)
  2. Lower range:
    • You will sing "nee-voo-nee-voo-nee" on the pattern "Sol - Mi - Fa - Re - Do" (a descending 3rds pattern).
    • After singing the pattern, modulate down by a half-step and sing it again. You should continue singing this pattern until you've gone as low as you can sing.
    • Click on your voice part to access the guide tracks on our YouTube channel! 
    • Starting keys:
      • Soprano: C Major (start on G-E-F-D-C), with the first note being G4
      • Alto: Bb Major (start on F-D-Eb-C-Bb), with the first note being F4
      • Tenor: E Major (start on B-#G-A-#F-E), with the first note being B3
      • Bass: A Major (start on E-#C-D-B-A), with the first note being E3
  3. For your audition, two options for recording your range:
    • You may record yourself singing to the guide tracks linked above.
    • You may sing a cappella (or play the modulations on an instrument or
    • Whichever option you choose, upload your best recording for each to the "Upper Range" & "Lower Range" sections of the Canvas Audition module.
Here is recording by the Chamber Singers: LD Alma Mater 
Part-learning tracks: (Remember, only use these to learn your part; for your recording, sing alone)
Soprano and Alto practice track!  (Altos - follow the lower [harmony] notes.)
Record yourself:
  • *At the beginning of your video, please show that you do not have ear buds in either ear. (We need to be sure you are able to maintain your part independently.)
  • Sing *your* part (soprano, alto, tenor, or bass)
    • with
      • tall vowels
      • 4-measure phrases (make your air last through each phrase, only breathing at the rests)
      • clear diction
      • a cappella (without anything accompanying you in the background)
  • Upload your best recording to the "Alma Mater" section of the Audition module in Canvas!
    • (Reminder: must be a video, and you must show that your ears are free of ear buds)
#3 is only for those auditioning for the Chamber Singers.
If you're auditioning for Women's Select Choir only, you may skip to #4 below!
Here is a recording: Bach: "Dona nobis pacem"
Part-learning tracks: (Remember, only use this to learn your part; do NOT use these when you record yourself)
1) You can slow down the tempo of the part tracks! Click on the "gear" near the bottom right of the video. Then click "playback speed".
2) Solfege will be very helpful for learning the melismas (riffs). (D = "do"!)
Record yourself:
  • *At the beginning of your video, please show that you do not have ear buds in either ear. (We need to be sure you are able to maintain your part independently.)
    • Sing *your* part (soprano, alto, tenor, or bass)
      • with
        • tall vowels (listen to the recording above to check the Latin pronunciation!)
        • a cappella (without anything accompanying you in the background)
  • Learn your part right up until the very end of the page. (You will likely end in the middle of a phrase)
  • Upload your best recording to the "Bach: Dona Nobis" section of the Audition module in Canvas
  • (Reminder: must be a video, and you must show that your ears are free of ear buds)

Click on the links below to access the ear-training practice tutorials on our YouTube! 

  • Tonal memory: You can practice by playing a random sequence (of 4-5 notes) on an instrument, and then trying to sing it back!
  • Root/3rd/5th: You can practice by playing a chord on the piano (Fingers 1, 3 & 5), and then trying to sing ONLY the 1, 3, or 5.
  • When you are ready to take the ear-training quiz, you can access it in the "Ear-Training" sections of the Audition module in Canvas.
    • You will record a response to prerecorded excerpts and have just one try for each!

I am so proud of everyone's growth this year, and I am so excited to hear you sing!

  1. Plan ahead to allow time to submit your very best recordings.
  2. Practice in front of friends and family! 
  3. Record each audition component separately. 
  4. There is no need to memorize this; feel free to use your sheet music!
  5. Questions? You can Inbox Dr. C via Canvas messenger or email (ecolpo). I want you to be able to sing your best!

Have fun and sing your heart out! 

Break a leg!
With Falcon pride,
Dr. C