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LDBB Student Accounts


Students who participate in any band-related activity (Marching, Concert, Indoor, Jazz) may have a Student Band Account with the Boosters.  Credits in these accounts come from participation in LDBB fundraisers.  The credits can be used to pay for band expenses like band camp fees, banquets and trips - including the big Florida Trip that occurs every four years.  Parents should notify the treasurer when they want to use credits for a band expense. 
When a student graduates from Lower Dauphin or leaves the school district, any credits remaining in their band savings account may be transferred to a relative who is a current or incoming High School or Middle School band member, or may be donated to the “Band Aid” account, which is used to help students with financial needs.
Students who are interested in participating in LD band programs but are unable to pay fees due to financial need should contact the Treasurer or an LDBB officer to apply for use of Band Aid funds.
Reports on account balances will be provided to students and parents on a regular basis.  If you would like information about your High School student’s account, please email LDBB Treasurer Kathy Wallace
For reports on account balances for Middle School students (grades 6-8), please contact MS Treasurer Lori Orgle
updated 5/14/18