About Us
What is Transition?
This website is designed to support students and their families/ caregivers navigate the transition planning process. Transition planning is a collaborative effort that involves young adults, their families, school staff (case manager, transition coordinator, regular education teacher, and administration), and other important community agencies starting at age 14 in the state of Pennsylvania. Transitioning into adulthood is an exciting but often overwhelming time for young adults and their families. Each young adult will have a different transition planning experience because his/ her unique vision for his/her future. The transition planning process takes into consideration an individual's interests, strengths, challenges, needs, and preferences.
There are a range of resources and supports young adults can access as they consider what they would like to do when they transition into adulthood. This website will provide guidance and resources on a range of transition topics including career development & employment, self-determination skill development, independent living skills development, higher education, and legal & financial planning.
Please click on active links throughout the pages as you navigate the website. Use the index and subpages on the left side of the screen to explore the website and learn more about the transition planning process.
Work Experience-Co-op Program: Students can have a cooperative experience where they will get paid for on the job training.
Internship: Students work in conjunction with a mentor in a field that they may like to pursue after graduation. This is a volunteer experience.
Vocational Training Program: Students, assisted by job coaches, offer service to community organizations and businesses, while learning the skills needed to be a valued community contributor.
PAES lab: Students can learn vocational skills through the PAEL lab.
Visit college planning, apprenticeship, or employment for additional information
"The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it." John Ruskin
Click on these icons to go to some helpful sites. You can hover the cursor over the picture to get a description.