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Welcome to room 301!!!

A little bit about me...

Aimee Radel

I am ecstatic to have found a home at Lower Dauphin High School. I started out teaching 9th and 10th grade learning support English, and after three years, moved into the English department. I now teach 10th grade Tech. Prep. English and 11th grade College Prep. English.
I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Lebanon Valley College, and my Master's of Science degree in Education from Wilkes University 21st century Teaching and Learning and a second Master's in Instructional Media. In addition, I completed the first coursework in the Penn Literacy Network through the University of Pennsylvania.

Please see my Canvas page for your class's syllabus and assignments.

Canvas link: Lower Dauphin's Canvas site

Room 301

Phone: (717)566-5330 ext. 2024
