PULSE Program
PULSE registration is now available for students currently in Grades 8-11! Application deadline is May 1, 2024. PULSE is available to any student who is interested in medicine. It is run by the medical students at Hershey Medical Center. TOPIC: BUGS & DRUGS: Exploring Host Defense and Host Response Use the link below for the application and information: https://students.med.psu.edu/student-groups/pulse/ Course structure:
Typical activities include:
This year, PULSE will be virtual (over zoom) with several optional in-person sessions at the Penn State College of Medicine. Space for these sessions will be limited, depending on interest. More information on this will be provided when acceptance offers are extended. These in-person sessions will include opportunities to tour and experience our medical school and facilities. There may be limited transportation support from Lebanon and Harrisburg areas for students who need it. Students selected for PULSE will be expected to attend and participate in all weekly sessions. There will be no exceptions allowed for late arrivals or early dismissals for any reason other than illness or emergency. We will not make exceptions for varsity athletes, as sessions are not recorded and absences detract from the overall experience in PULSE. Please consider any standing commitment you have already made on Mondays from 6-7:30 PM before submitting an application. Location: