Français V
This course provides for the continued acquisition of communication skills in French. Special emphasis will be placed on aural comprehension and speaking. The class will be conducted in French and students will be expected to express themselves in French. Skills in the areas of reading and writing will also improve as we move through the curriculum together. Carefully selected passages from poetry, drama, novels and short stories have been chosen for their cultural content as well as literary value. Oral presentations and compositions are an integral part of this advanced level course. Videos will provide an opportunity to learn more about history, current events and contemporary life in France and francophone countries. Active and consistent class participation is an important component of this course. Everyone will be successful in improving skills by daily preparation of material as well as active listening. Students may choose to prepare for the French Achievement Test.
PREPARATION and PARTICIPATION are the keys to success.
1. choose to learn/ do your personal best
2. come prepared with necessary materials
3. avoid put-downs.
1. a loose-leaf/notebook
2. pens/pencils
3. folder
Note: Your notebook is your most important reference. You will prepare for all of your assignments using materials in this notebook. In addition, it is essential to organize notebooks materials in order to prepare presentations or projects as well as for exams.
1. assigned daily
2. prepared on loose-leaf paper
Note: When there is no written homework, students are responsible for studying or reviewing vocabulary of the current topic. Homework is to be done neatly, completely and correctly as possible.
1. tests are announced in advance and will usually follow the completion of a unit of study. If a student is absent for a test he/she must make arrangements for a make-up.
2. quizzes are given frequently and are both announced and surprise.
3. homework may be collected and marked as a quiz.
GRADES will be based on the following :
- class participation
- unit tests
- presentations
- quizzes
- homework
- projects