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Strength and Fitness Syllabus

 Strength and Fitness Syllabus 


1.     Topromote within the student/athlete, a desire for improving physical fitness anddevelop an understanding of how to achieve it.

2.     Toprovide the student/athlete with the opportunity to maintain and increase theirlevel of physical fitness through exposure to a variety of activities.

3.     Toincrease the student/athletes’ knowledge of the components of fitness and theproper methods to improve them.

4.     Totest and evaluate the student/athlete’s levels of fitness.

5.     Toimprove athletic performance by enhancing the specific components of fitnessmost important for each individual athlete.

6.     Todevelop goal setting strategies that will guide the student/athlete in makingcontinuous progress throughout the school year.



  • Strength Development
  • Fitness Testing
  • Cardiovascular Conditioning



For more information please visit:

Strength and Fitness Canvas Page