Classroom Rules
Classroom Rules
Most of my rules follow the guidelines set forth in the student handbook. Here is a general list of what I expect from my students while they are in my classroom:
1. Be on time to class! You will be given three warnings for being late - on the fourth offense your name will be sent to the office for discipline.
2. There will be no food in my classroom.
3. You must have a pass in order to leave the room. “No pass, no go”
4. When you have to leave the classroom you must sign out. Please write your name, where you are going, and the time you are leaving. When you return please sign back in. Sign out sheet is posted on the door.
5. No profanity. Watch what you are saying and be respectful.
6. The bottom line is treat others the way you would want to be treated. Be kind,courteous, and respectful.
7. Cell phones. Please follow the board policy highlighted in your agenda books. Unless we are using cell phones as part of a classroom assignment or project they are to be put away (not on your desk - away in a purse, book bag, or in your pocket).
If you have any questions or concerns please come and talk with me.