Computer Graphic Design
Photoshop & Graphic Design
COURSE DESCRIPTION – Computer Graphic Design is open to students in grades 9-12. This course will introduce students to a wide variety of digital communication methods. Students will create digital images by using computer software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and other computer programs. Students will design and create such projects as posters, advertisements, movie posters, web design, billboards, product packaging, etc.
All projects are composed of images and words that work together as a form of visual communication. Whether it is to attract attention, inform, persuade or inspire, the graphic design industry specializes in creative problem solving. Graphic designers promote brands, markets ideas, and influence consumer behavior. Some of today’s most dynamic fields -- advertising, publishing, interactive -- are based on this fundamental concept of graphic design.
- ATTENDANCE – Students must attend classes in order to listen and participate in class activities designed to help each student meet the required course objectives. If class is missed it is the students’ responsibility to obtain missed notes and assignments from fellow students and the teacher.
- CLASS PARTICIPATION – Class participation and discussions are necessary in order to evaluate the student’s understanding of the concepts taught. Contributing to the class will be rewarded.
- EXAMS – Exams will be announced as early as possible. If you are absent when a test is given, you will make the test up the next day. Those exams missed because of an unexcused absent will receive a “0” grade for that exam.
- QUIZZES – Announced and unannounced quizzes will be given in order to assess the student’s knowledge of assignments, discussions, and lectures.
- HOME WORK – Home work may be assigned if students need extra practice or have not finished class work during the class period.
100 – 90 = A Excellent
89 – 80 = B Above Average
79 – 70 = C Average
69 – 60 = D Below Average
59 – 0 = F Fail
- ASSIGNMENTS – Assignments are due at the end of class on the due date. Points will be deducted each day the assignment is handed in late.
- MATERIALS – Each student will need a separate folder (with pockets and prongs no 3 rings) to place handouts and projects.
- *Academic Integrity – Any student caught cheating, plagiarizing, or otherwise behaving in a dishonest manner will receive an “F” for the work and possibly for the marking period.