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Classroom Rules and Conduct

Classroom Rules and Conduct
1.   Respect others and yourself. No Bullying!

2.   Respect equipment and the school.

3.   School rules and polices are enforced in this classroom.
Further Breakdown

1. All students are expected to arrive on time and be in the classroom when the bell rings. 

If you anticipate being late for a legitimate reason, make sure you have your pass signed.  The fourth tardy will result in parental contact and an administration write-up. Stopping at your locker or getting a drink is not an excused tardy.
2. No Cell Phones or headphones in class.

3. Class dismissal will occur only after all classroom and lab materials have been returned to there proper place and students are in there assigned seats.  Class will not be dismissed with students waiting at the door. 

4. Food and drinks are not to be brought into nor consumed in the classroom.

5. Students will pay for repairs or replace damages they cause to the computers, monitors, keyboard, and the computer mouse or other equipment.

6. You are not allowed to download and install programs and games on the computers

7. The use of unacceptable language, whether in general conversation or in anger will not be tolerated.

8. Graffiti of any kind on any school property (books, desks, walls, etc.) will result in after school assignment for general clean-up.

9. Stealing of any kind, whether school materials or other students property will result in administrative discipline as wall as possible law enforcement action.


First incident – Student will get a warning or get kicked off the computer and sit at their desk for the rest of the class period.

Second incident – Student will be kicked off the computer or will be assigned a new seat. Parents or Guardian will be contacted.

Third incident – Formal School Detention.  Students will be written-up and receive administrative discipline. 


I understand all of the above rules and expectations.  If any of these rules/expectations are broken I understand the consequences that may follow. 

Student Signature: __________________ Date: _________