Falcon Pack Program Information Page
This program was started by a senior student at Lower Dauphin High School who saw a need for extra food to be sent home with many of the students at the high school and middle school. A similar program was already up and running in the elementary schools (Power Packs). After much behind-the-scenes work with the Superintendent, the Falcon Packs Program was started in the high school and middle school halfway through the 2017-2018 school year. Come the start of the 2018-2019 school year, the Falcon Packs Program absorbed the Power Packs Program and began packing food for all 5 elementary schools, the middle school and the high school. The program sends home packs of 6-10 items each week during the school year to approximately 185 students across the district. We are excited to see this program grow and flourish in the future.
If you are interested in donating nonperishable food items to the program, we currently have three community food donation locations at the Hummelstown Library, Thrivent on the main street of Hummelstown, and the Lower Dauphin Field House. Collection bins are only out during the school year. Keep an eye out for more donation locations coming soon!
We are always in need of volunteers to help distribute Falcon Packs from the packing location to the various buildings across the district. If you would like to register to volunteer, a SignUpGenius link will be posted on our Facebook homepage every two months. https://www.facebook.com/pg/LDFalconPacksProgram/about/?ref=page_internal
If you are a local business who would like to financially partner with the Falcon Packs Program, please contact us.
Any monetary donations can be made by checks. Checks can be made payable to the Hummelstown Food Bank, with Falcon Packs written in the memo line.
**If you are looking to join the program and recieve food packs each week, invitation letters are sent out at the beginning of each school year to qualifying individuals. If you missed the sign-up or believe you should have recieved an invitation letter, please contact your school office or email Stephanie Maurer at smaurer@ldsd.org**
Follow us on Facebook for weekly program update and opportunities to help your community! Thank you for stopping by our Falcon Pack page.