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Applied Math Syllabus

Course Syllabus

Applied Math

Course Topics

Unit 1) Basic Algebra Review

Unit 4) Area of polygons, circles and volume

Unit 2)  Properties of Polygons

Unit 5) Interpreting Graphs

Unit 3)  Triangle Properties

 Unit 6) Introduction into Probability


  • Grades will be calculated based on in-class work, homework assignments, quizzes, tests and projects
  • Final grade is calculated by: 0.89*(overall class grade) + 0.11*(final exam grade)=final grade


Homework will be checked daily for completion and effort. If you are absent for a period of time, you may show your missed homework the day upon returning for full credit. If you skip or forget homework, you may hand in the assignment (with complete work) any time to gain half credit for that homework assignment. You are encouraged to ask your peers questions when attempting homework but this does not include coping another’s work (copied work will result in a loss of points for both students).


Homework grading: each assignment will be worth two points (one stamp on a calendar) and any late assignments or incomplete assignments will be worth 1 point or no point. Calendars will be due within the first week of a new month.


Late Work

Any work that is handed in past the due date (without prior permission from the teacher) will have points deducted. For projects and group work, each late day there will be a deduction of 10%. Homework that is turned in late will be given half credits.  


Test Retakes

One retake per semester will be permitted for tests (this does not include make-up exams due to excused absences). A retake for a test may only be completed up to one day prior to the preceding unit’s test. You must also schedule a time with the teacher to take the retake with one day prior notice (this includes make-up exams as well). Test retakes will be a full replacement of the grade (unless the grade is lower than the original).


Ex: If you choose to retake the chapter 2 test, you only have until the day before the unit 3 test to complete your makeup test.


Quiz Corrections

Corrections on quizzes will be permitted during the first semester for any quiz grade lower than an 80%. Corrections may only be submitted once for correctness and result in a grade replacement up to an 80%. Students are encouraged to seek help on corrections (not copy answers) from tutoring or after-school help. After the first semester, corrections may be handed in, but not for a grade change.

Please note that IF quizzes are virtual/ on canvas, students will NOT have the opportunity to do corrections as there are unique opportunities beyond control in an at-home setting.


Discipline Policy on Cheating/ Plagiarism

Any student that violates academic integrity on any assignment or assessment will receive a 0 for that assignment or assessment. They will NOT be permitted to re-take or make up this assignment. Cheating is defined as (but not limited to): copying others during an assessment or in homework, trading/ exchanging assessments during assessment time, using technology to find answers prior to or during an assessment, using unauthorized tools or worksheets during assessments.



A positive learning environment is created only by the Students and Teacher working together as one.

To do this, communication is key! I encourage you to ask questions and communicate openly with me whenever you have any concerns. I am more than happy to meet with you to discuss these concerns if you do not feel comfortable asking in front of the class. You may also reach me at any time through email: (I check my email nearly every hour during daytime hours) or through canvas messages.