Team Rules
Lower Dauphin Track and Field Team
Rules and Team Policies
Participation in athletics at Lower Dauphin is a privilege, and should be treated as such. Students choosing to participate as a member of the Track and Field team should be aware of the Code of Conduct for the Lower Dauphin School District. It is requested and required that each student athlete read and abide by this code at all times. In addition to the Code of Conduct members of the Track and Field Team will be expected to follow the following rules.
All students wishing to participate must have a current PIAA REQUIRED physical on file before they will be allowed to practice or compete in any meet. If you have already had a physical for the current school year, you do not have to have another. However, you will need to fill out the re-certification form and hand that in to the school office. If you do not have a physical or hand in the re-certification form you will not be eligible to practice or participate with the team until you have.
All students will be expected to follow the drug and alcohol policy set forth by the Lower Dauphin School District. There is no place for the use of drugs, alcohol, vapes or tobacco in the sport of Track and Field. Anyone caught using any of the above will be subject to disciplinary action and possible expulsion from the team.
Any athlete that has been suspended from school, this includes in school suspension, will not practice or compete with the team on the day or days of the suspension. Also any athlete who comes to school later than 11:00 a.m will not practice or compete with the team that day. Exceptions to this rule will be for excused absences, such as doctor appointments, college visits, funerals or other such excused absences. If you leave school because you are sick, you may also not practice or compete that day.
Attendance everyday at practice is mandatory. Failure to comply with this rule could result in the dismissal from the team. Excused absences will be accepted for valid purposes. Please let the coach know ahead of time for any planned absences. You are responsible for informing the coach, not one of your friends/teammates. An unexcused absence will result in extra work. After 3 unexcused absences the athlete will be removed from the team no questions asked. Examples of unexcused absences are, skipping practice, haircuts, orthodontist, other sport practices, etc. You know your track schedule, please schedule your appointments outside of the practice and competition times. If you have questions or concerns with this policy, please see Coach Masorti.
Athletes are expected to come to practice prepared. Athletes should wear appropriate clothing for practice and meets. The weather will be cold, and on days the weather is not extreme, we will go outside to train. Please keep an extra sweatshirt, sweatpants, hat and gloves in your locker so that you will be prepared for any weather. We will be going outside to practice even if the weather is not perfect, please be aware of this.
Equipment that is issued to each athlete will be the responsibility of that athlete until it is returned at the end of the season. All athletes are expected to turn in the same numbered uniform that they were given. Please do not leave sweats and shoes lying around unattended during meets. Anything that is lost, stolen or damaged will be charged to the student. If an athlete quits throughout the season, their equipment must be turned into a coach within 2 days.
An athlete may not ride home with their parents after the end of a dual meet competition. In addition athletes will not be allowed to ride home with friends or other athlete’s parents, unless a written permission is given to a coach ahead of time. The only exceptions to this rule will be in case of emergency.
There is a difference between pain and injury. Please report ALL injuries to your event coach as soon as they happen. All serious injuries will be referred to the trainer for medical attention. We are fortunate enough to have a full time training staff accessible to us. They are professionals and will give us access to doctors/orthopedists/rehabilitation. More than likely they will be able to get you in to see a specialist faster than you will be able to schedule one. Please talk to your coaches and trainers.
Insubordination and talking back to a coach will not be tolerated in any aspect. Athletes are expected to compete in all designated events (unless an injury occurs) or otherwise notified by your event coach. Athletes are also expected to put forth a reasonable effort and display good sportsmanship at all times. Swearing, foul language or obscene gestures will not be tolerated. Athletes are expected to treat all coaches, teammates and officials with respect. Harassment or hazing of any kind is not acceptable and will result in immediate dismissal from the team.