NEHS Falcon Chapter By-Laws-14348
Chapter By Laws
National English Honor Society
LowerDauphin High School-Falcon Chapter
Article I. Name
Section I The name of this organization shall be known and referred to as the Falcon Chapter of the National English Honor Society. (NEHS)
Article II. General Purpose
Section I The purpose of the organization shall be to involve top students and teachers in academically and culturally enriching experiences
Section II Acknowledge the achievement of outstanding students
Section III Expand your school’s reputation through affiliation with the national honor society
Section IV Develop student leadership opportunities through student-generated and student directed activities
Section V Increase students’ personal growth through service and leadership
Section VI Create non-classroom environments that allow student and teacher interaction focused on language arts appreciation and exploration
Article III. Powers vested in the organization
Section I Direct supervision of the chapter
Section II Safekeeping and maintenance of membership files and the chapter history
Section III Handling of financial transactions
Section IV Updating and filing of chapter bylaws and annual activities report
Article IV. Criteria for chapter membership
Section I Attendance at LDHS for the equivalent of one semester
Section II Completion of two semesters of English prior to induction (Freshman may not apply until the start of their Sophomore year)
Section III The achievement of a minimum overall and English grade point of 3.2 (on a 4.0 scale) prior to induction
Section IV Completion of the application process
Section V Students must demonstrate an interest in the Language Arts, this will be verified by the members of the English Department
Article V. Establishment of methods for selection of members
Section I Student interest application
Section II Verification of GPA overall and in English
Section III English departmental recommendation
Section IV Acceptance invitation
Article VI. Frequency of meetings
Section I Monthly meetings for all members
Section II Special sessions as necessary to reach the goals of the Falcon chapter
Article VII. Title, Duties, Responsibilities of officers, chapter advisors, members, and committees
Section I • President-The president presides at the meetings; initiates activities and sees that they are carried out; appoints committees and sees that they function; lends continuity to the chapter; and makes certain that the jobs are distributed among as many of the members as possible. The president should be aware of the importance of teamwork, and that the distinction of being elected president is an honor not to be treated lightly.
Section II • Vice President- The vice president presides in the absence of the president. This officer confers with the president and chapter advisor often and should be kept informed and involved in the activities. The vice president, with the chapter advisor, may also assume the duties of (co)program chair of the induction ceremony. This requires inviting speakers and making other necessary arrangements, and seeing that the program is effected in good order. As a committed chapter officer, the vice president can chair particular committees as needed and provide leadership for particular projects and activities.
Section III • Secretary- The secretary keeps the minutes of the meetings, both of the business transacted and of the programs and activities. He/she sends out announcements of future meetings and the minutes of previous meetings. Other duties of this officer may include corresponding (along with the chapter advisor) with the National Office by sending in the names of new members and reporting activities, being responsible for local speakers, acting as host or hostess at chapter programs, and possibly serving as chair for a particular activity or project.
Section IV • Treasurer- The treasurer, working with the chapter advisor, handles the chapter’s money matters. He/she should administer chapter funds and keep the other officers apprized of the status of chapter finances. Although the chapter advisor should be responsible for actually sending the national induction fees to the National Office, the treasurer may be enlisted to help with the collection of any local chapter dues. The treasurer should also take an active role in any fund-raising projects in which the chapter engages.
Section V • Other Officers- Depending upon the size and level of involvement of the chapter, additional offices may be necessary. These offices may be assigned as needed, elected by the members, or combined with the duties of other officers. Some additional officers in chapters may be:
i. Historian It is essential to maintain a permanent record of the chapter"s members and activities. Clippings, rosters, programs, correspondence, etc., should be kept in some permanent form, perhaps in a scrapbook. In years to come, when members now on the scene have gone, these permanent records will become increasingly valuable. These materials should never be kept at a member’s home but in the care of the chapter advisor or in a permanent location at school. A chapter historian, working closely with the chapter advisor, may be elected to handle this important work.
ii. Public Relations Chair- A good chapter should be as visible as possible. One member may be assigned the responsibility of keeping the news media (i.e. the school paper, the local paper, and radio and television stations, etc.) informed of programs, speakers, awards, and honors involving the local National English Honor Society chapter. This person should work closely with the school’s newspaper and yearbook staff. It is always important to keep the principal and other school and/or district administrators in the loop! The public relations chair also can make certain that fliers and banners are posted and that announcements concerning chapter events are made in a timely fashion.
iii. Activities Chair- It is wise to appoint one person who knows how to go about setting up activities within the school system. An activities chair can work with the chapter president to help find rooms for meetings and events, to make arrangements for food, to ensure that invited speakers have correct information, and to check out equipment. School officials and staff generally appreciate working with one contact person, not many.
Article VIII. Procedures for election
Section I Open nominations
Section II Chapter Advisory Council will meet with current Officers to determine incoming officers
Section III Officers will be notified via personal letter
Section IV Special meeting to induct and ratify the elected officers
Section V Chapter Advisory Council will make final recommendations to remove Officers
Section VI Any student who does not comply with chapter and national regulations will be removed from the Falcon Chapter of the National English Honor Society.
Article IX. Rules of order and references for conducting NEHS business (Roberts rules of order)
Article X. Method and procedure for ratification of the bylaws
Section I Ratification by chapter advisory council
Section II Administrative approval
Article XI. Provision for amending the Bylaws
Section I These bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the chapter upon the quorum of the membership with the approval of the Chapter Advisory Committee.
Last Modified on April 27, 2009